
General Information


The School Day

Junior and Senior Infants – 9:25 am until 2:05 pm
First to Sixth Classes – 9:25 am to 3:05 pm

All children are requested to be in their classrooms at 9:25am.The school will be open from 9:15am to receive children and pupils are fully supervised in their classrooms until 9:25am. Parents are asked to encourage their child to walk from the main door to their classroom on their own. Please be punctual. Arriving late can be very upsetting for young children and disruptive to others. Parents of infant children are asked to collect their children promptly at 2:05pm.

All children have a ten minute break from 10:55 am to 11:05 am and a half hour for lunch from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm. All breaks are supervised by a teacher.


The Bridgetown N.S. uniform consists of:
grey trousers/ skirt/ pinafore
pale blue shirt
navy tie
navy jumper/cardigan
Bridgetown N.S. tracksuit which is available from
“Fine Rags” in Killaloe or “Gemma’s”, Henry Street, Limerick or through the Parents Association.
(Children may wear navy/grey shorts in warmer weather)
Please write your child’s name clearly on ALL belongings.

Indoor shoes:  We recommend that parents purchase black plimsolls to use as indoor shoes. These are most suitable for use in the hall during P.E. lessons. Please write your child’s name on the plimsolls.


All schools are required to inform the Education Welfare Board if a child has missed more than 20 days in a school year. The school reports to the Education Welfare Board four times a year.



Healthy Lunches
Bridgetown N.S. has a policy of promoting healthy eating. The following is a list of foods we recommend for a healthy lunch:

Sandwiches, Crackers, Scones, Raw Vegetables,
Salad, Cheese, Yoghurt, Fruit juice, Water, Fruit
We discourage the following:
Sweets, Crisps, Bars, Fruit Winders, Fizzy drinks, Chewing gum