The ethos of Bridgetown N.S. encompasses collective attitudes, beliefs, traditions, aspirations and core values. These are reflected in the practices which are carried out in the school on a daily, weekly, termly and yearly basis. The following are some of the characteristics that are experienced and promoted as essential elements in the establishment of a positive and supportive ethos:
In Bridgetown N.S. where the ethos is that of a Christian Catholic school, religious instruction, in accordance with the doctrine and tradition of the Catholic Church, is part of the education given to children who belong to that church.
The pupils are prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in accordance with the arrangements in the diocese. Prayer is a feature of the school days and school assemblies.
School masses, religious feast days and festivals are celebrated in accordance with Catholic tradition.
- The principal and teaching staff aim to maintain high professional standards and create a safe and happy learning environment.
- The school aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the pupil, including his/her relationship with God, other people and the environment.
- A spirit of mutual respect is promoted within the school community. Pupils are taught to respect and appreciate people of different religious affiliations and of different nationalities.
- Close contact is maintained between the home and the school. Parents, guardians and teachers support one another and collaborate in leading the children to the fullness of their potential.